Fixtures and Covers
Proper maintenance of pool fixtures and covers is essential for pool safety. These devices prevent dangerous suction incidents, reducing the risk of entrapment and drowning. Regular checks of these critical parts are necessary to ensure a safe swimming environment.

Key Pool Fixtures to Inspect Regularly
- Main Drain Covers
- Vacuum Fixture Covers
- Weirs
- Skimmer Baskets
- Skimmer Covers and Lids
For commercial pools, main drain covers must be replaced every 5 years, with detailed service records kept on file. Many manufacturers provide a certified date of manufacture letter with their products for easy compliance tracking.
Is Your Pool Drain Safe?
Older pool drain covers pose a significant risk due to suction entrapment, which can lead to serious accidents, including drowning. Updated drain covers are designed to eliminate this risk by following the safety standards set by the Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Act.
Understanding the Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Act
The VGB Act is named after seven-year-old Virginia Graeme Baker, who tragically drowned due to suction entrapment from a faulty drain cover. Despite being a strong swimmer, Graeme was trapped underwater when she became stuck to a hot tub drain. Her mother and two rescuers struggled to free her, and the drain cover broke under the force of their efforts. This tragic event led to the passing of the VGB Act, championed by Graeme’s mother, Nancy Baker, alongside Safe Kids Worldwide and key legislators.
In December 2007, Congress passed the VGB Act, mandating anti-entrapment drain covers in all public pools and spas. Today, tens of thousands of pools are safer due to these updated safety measures, which aim to prevent similar tragedies.
Recognizing Safe Drain Covers
Older, unsafe drain covers are flat, which creates a strong circulation and increases the risk of hair or body part entrapment. In contrast, modern anti-entrapment drain covers have a curved design that prevents them from being fully blocked by a body, reducing the risk of suction entrapment.
Important Reminder for Parents
Before allowing children to swim, confirm that the pool or spa uses anti-entrapment drain covers, in compliance with the VGB Act. Safer drain covers are vital for reducing the risk of accidental entrapment and keeping swimmers safe.
Ready to Upgrade your Pool’s Fixtures and Covers?
For more information or to upgrade your pool’s fixtures and covers, contact Gulf Coast Pool Pros to ensure your pool meets safety standards and offers a secure environment for all swimmers.